PyData on HDFS without Java

by Matthew Rocklin


  1. HDFS splits large files into many small blocks replicated on many datanodes
  2. For efficient computation we must use data directly on datanodes
  3. snakebite queries the locations of the individual blocks
  4. distributed executes functions directly on those blocks on the datanodes
  5. snakebite+distributed+pandas enables distributed CSV processing on HDFS in Pure Python

HDFS Summary

The Hadoop File System (HDFS) distributes large datasets across many data nodes roughly as follows:

  1. Cut up large files into 64MB blocks (or thereabouts)
  2. Replicate each block on a few data-nodes (to provide resilience to machine loss)
  3. Store all block/datanode locations on a central namenode

Normally we don't think about the internal structure. We move large files in and out via the namenode or we use frameworks like Hadoop and Spark to interact with the data blocks on our behalf. Both Hadoop and Spark are JVM tools though and provide somewhat suboptimal Python experiences.

Direct Datanode Interaction

Efficient computation on data in HDFS requires dealing directly with data nodes.

When we copy data into or out of HDFS with the hdfs command line utility or with WebHDFS (e.g. through Hue) we interact with the master namenode. This namenode insulates us from the sea of datanodes that actually hold the data. This is great because we get a comprehensive view of the file system without having to muck about with the individual blocks. All of the data flows through one, easy-to-understand centralized point, the namenode.

Unfortunately if we want to compute on the data then we don't want to pull everything through the central namenode; we want to work with each block directly on one of the data nodes where it currently lives.

This is what computational systems like Hadoop/Spark/Impala do. If we want efficient data local computation on HDFS then its what we'll have to do too.

Query Block Locations with Snakebite

We put a dataset on HDFS instance through the command line interface:

$ hdfs dfs -cp yellow_tripdata_2014-01.csv /data/nyctaxi/

Then we query the namenode to discover how it sharded this file.

To avoid JVM dependence we use Spotify's snakebite library which includes the protobuf headers necessary to interact with the namenode directly, without using the Java HDFS client library.

The library code within Snakebite doesn't support our desired queries, and so we use their protobuf headers to write custom code available here (work done by Ben Zaitlen and Martin Durant). We get back a list of paths and hosts for each of our blocks.

>>> from distributed import hdfs
>>> blocks = hdfs.get_locations('/data/nyctaxi/', '', 9000)
>>> blocks
[{'block': <snakebite.protobuf.hdfs_pb2.LocatedBlockProto at 0x7f56ac15bb90>,
  'hosts': [u'', u'', u''],
  'path': '/data/dfs/dn/current/BP-1962702953-'},
 {'block': <snakebite.protobuf.hdfs_pb2.LocatedBlockProto at 0x7f56ac15bf50>,
  'hosts': [u'', u'', u''],
  'path': '/data/dfs/dn/current/BP-1962702953-'},
 {'block': <snakebite.protobuf.hdfs_pb2.LocatedBlockProto at 0x7f56ac15d410>,
  'hosts': [u'', u'', u''],
  'path': '/data/dfs/dn/current/BP-1962702953-'},
 {'block': <snakebite.protobuf.hdfs_pb2.LocatedBlockProto at 0x7f56ac15d848>,
  'hosts': [u'', u'', u''],
  'path': '/data/dfs/dn/current/BP-1962702953-'},
 {'block': <snakebite.protobuf.hdfs_pb2.LocatedBlockProto at 0x7f56ac15dc80>,
  'hosts': [u'', u'', u''],
  'path': '/data/dfs/dn/current/BP-1962702953-'},
 {'block': <snakebite.protobuf.hdfs_pb2.LocatedBlockProto at 0x7f56ac16b140>,
  'hosts': [u'', u'', u''],
  'path': '/data/dfs/dn/current/BP-1962702953-'},
 {'block': <snakebite.protobuf.hdfs_pb2.LocatedBlockProto at 0x7f56ac16b578>,
  'hosts': [u'', u'', u''],
  'path': '/data/dfs/dn/current/BP-1962702953-'},
 {'block': <snakebite.protobuf.hdfs_pb2.LocatedBlockProto at 0x7f56ac16b9b0>,
  'hosts': [u'', u'', u''],
  'path': '/data/dfs/dn/current/BP-1962702953-'},
 {'block': <snakebite.protobuf.hdfs_pb2.LocatedBlockProto at 0x7f56ac16bde8>,
  'hosts': [u'', u'', u''],
  'path': '/data/dfs/dn/current/BP-1962702953-'},
 {'block': <snakebite.protobuf.hdfs_pb2.LocatedBlockProto at 0x7f56ac1772a8>,
  'hosts': [u'', u'', u''],
  'path': '/data/dfs/dn/current/BP-1962702953-'},
 {'block': <snakebite.protobuf.hdfs_pb2.LocatedBlockProto at 0x7f56ac1776e0>,
  'hosts': [u'', u'', u''],
  'path': '/data/dfs/dn/current/BP-1962702953-'},
 {'block': <snakebite.protobuf.hdfs_pb2.LocatedBlockProto at 0x7f56ac177b18>,
  'hosts': [u'', u'', u''],
  'path': '/data/dfs/dn/current/BP-1962702953-'},
 {'block': <snakebite.protobuf.hdfs_pb2.LocatedBlockProto at 0x7f56ac177f50>,
  'hosts': [u'', u'', u''],
  'path': '/data/dfs/dn/current/BP-1962702953-'},
 {'block': <snakebite.protobuf.hdfs_pb2.LocatedBlockProto at 0x7f56ac105410>,
  'hosts': [u'', u'', u''],
  'path': '/data/dfs/dn/current/BP-1962702953-'},
 {'block': <snakebite.protobuf.hdfs_pb2.LocatedBlockProto at 0x7f56ac105848>,
  'hosts': [u'', u'', u''],
  'path': '/data/dfs/dn/current/BP-1962702953-'},
 {'block': <snakebite.protobuf.hdfs_pb2.LocatedBlockProto at 0x7f56ac105c80>,
  'hosts': [u'', u'', u''],
  'path': '/data/dfs/dn/current/BP-1962702953-'},
 {'block': <snakebite.protobuf.hdfs_pb2.LocatedBlockProto at 0x7f56ac113140>,
  'hosts': [u'', u'', u''],
  'path': '/data/dfs/dn/current/BP-1962702953-'},
 {'block': <snakebite.protobuf.hdfs_pb2.LocatedBlockProto at 0x7f56ac113578>,
  'hosts': [u'', u'', u''],
  'path': '/data/dfs/dn/current/BP-1962702953-'}]

HDFS cut up our large single file, yellow_tripdata_2014-01.csv, into many small files/blocks. HDFS replicates each block across three machines. For each block 'hosts' tells us which three machines hold that block and 'path' tells us where on the local file systems of those hosts we can find the actual block. We inspect the first of these blocks manually by sshing into one of the listed hosts and inspecting that host's local file system.

$ ssh hdfs@
hdfs@compute3:/home/vagrant$ head /data/dfs/dn/current/BP-1962702953-'},
vendor_id, pickup_datetime, dropoff_datetime, passenger_count, trip_distance, pickup_longitude, pickup_latitude, rate_code, store_and_fwd_flag, dropoff_longitude, dropoff_latitude, payment_type, fare_amount, surcharge, mta_tax, tip_amount, tolls_amount, total_amount

CMT,2014-01-09 20:45:25,2014-01-09 20:52:31,1,0.69999999999999996,-73.994770000000003,40.736828000000003,1,N,-73.982226999999995,40.731789999999997,CRD,6.5,0.5,0.5,1.3999999999999999,0,8.9000000000000004
CMT,2014-01-09 20:46:12,2014-01-09 20:55:12,1,1.3999999999999999,-73.982392000000004,40.773381999999998,1,N,-73.960448999999997,40.763995000000001,CRD,8.5,0.5,0.5,1.8999999999999999,0,11.4
CMT,2014-01-09 20:44:47,2014-01-09 20:59:46,2,2.2999999999999998,-73.988569999999996,40.739406000000002,1,N,-73.986626000000001,40.765217,CRD,11.5,0.5,0.5,1.5,0,14
CMT,2014-01-09 20:44:57,2014-01-09 20:51:40,1,1.7,-73.960212999999996,40.770463999999997,1,N,-73.979862999999995,40.777050000000003,CRD,7.5,0.5,0.5,1.7,0,10.199999999999999
CMT,2014-01-09 20:47:09,2014-01-09 20:53:32,1,0.90000000000000002,-73.995371000000006,40.717247999999998,1,N,-73.984367000000006,40.720523999999997,CRD,6,0.5,0.5,1.75,0,8.75
CMT,2014-01-09 20:45:07,2014-01-09 20:51:01,1,0.90000000000000002,-73.983811000000003,40.749654999999997,1,N,-73.989746999999994,40.756574999999998,CRD,6,0.5,0.5,1.3999999999999999,0,8.4000000000000004
CMT,2014-01-09 20:44:04,2014-01-09 21:05:45,1,3.6000000000000001,-73.984138000000002,40.726317000000002,1,N,-73.962868999999998,40.758443,CRD,16.5,0.5,0.5,5.25,0,22.75
CMT,2014-01-09 20:43:23,2014-01-09 20:52:07,1,2.1000000000000001,-73.979906,40.745849999999997,1,N,-73.959090000000003,40.773639000000003,CRD,9,0.5,0.5,2,0,12

Once we have block locations on the host file system we ditch HDFS and just think about remote hosts that have files on their local file systems. HDFS has played its part and can exit the stage.

Note: since writing this we've found a wonderful article by Julia Evans, that describes a similar process.

Data-local tasks with distributed

We load these blocks with pandas and distributed.

>>> columns = ['vendor_id', 'pickup_datetime', 'dropoff_datetime',
 'passenger_count', 'trip_distance', 'pickup_longitude', 'pickup_latitude',
 'rate_code', 'store_and_fwd_flag', 'dropoff_longitude', 'dropoff_latitude',
 'payment_type', 'fare_amount', 'surcharge', 'mta_tax', 'tip_amount',
 'tolls_amount', 'total_amount']

>>> from distributed import Executor
>>> executor = Executor('')
>>> dfs = [executor.submit(pd.read_csv, block['path'], workers=block['hosts'],
...                        columns=columns, skiprows=1)
...        for block in blocks]

We use the workers= keyword argument to Executor.submit to restrict these jobs so that they can only run on the hosts whose local file systems actually hold these paths. Also, because only the first block will have the CSV header we provide keyword arguments directly to the pd.read_csv call.

Or alternatively we've wrapped up both steps into a little convenience function:

>>> from distributed import hdfs
>>> dfs = hdfs.map_blocks(pd.read_csv, '/data/nyctaxi/',
...                       '', 9000, executor=executor,
...                       columns=columns, skiprows=1)

As a reminder from last time these operations produce Future objects that point to remote results on the worker computers. This does not pull results back to local memory. We can use these futures in future computations with the executor.

Some simple analysis

We now do some simple work, counting all of the passenger counts values.

def sum_series(seq):
    result = seq[0]
    for s in seq[1:]:
        result = result.add(s, fill_value=0)
    return result

>>> counts = df: df.passenger_count.value_counts(), dfs)
>>> total = executor.submit(sum_series, counts)
>>> total.result()
0          259
1      9727301
2      1891581
3       566248
4       267540
5       789070
6       540444
7            7
8            5
9           16
208         19

Looking at these results we see that as expected, most rides have a single passenger. There are also a few oddities like many rides with zero passengers, a ride with 208 passengers, and an unexpected spike at five passengers.


We used snakebite's protobuf definitions and distributed's data-local task scheduling to run pandas directly on CSV data in HDFS. We didn't touch the JVM. We didn't invent a new framework. Instead we reused existing components in the PyData ecosystem to handle biggish data on HDFS with only Python projects.

Our approach wasn't elegant or streamlined but it also wasn't complex. None of snakebite, distributed, nor pandas was designed for this use case and yet we composed them together to achieve something that was previously only possible through large monolithic frameworks foreign to Python. HDFS no longer feels like "big data magic"; it's just a way that big files get split up into small files on many machines that we need to track down to run our normal tool-set.

That's not to disparage the use of monolithic frameworks or elegant streamlined approaches. If enough people care about this sort of thing then I may hook up dask.dataframe to this in the near future.


It's hard to find documentation and best practices for integrating with the lower-levels of the Hadoop stack. It'd be great to find experts here that are both interested in the approach above and knowledgeable enough to provide guidance. In particular, some questions:

  • Are we going down the right path using snakebite/protobufs to interact with the namenode? Should we be doing something else? Perhaps libhdfs or webhdfs?
  • What about writing blocks to HDFS? Is there a non-JVM approach to this?
  • Is there some danger in sidestepping HDFS in this manner? Should we be asking for bytes on disk instead of directly accessing the files?
  • Are we making any dumb assumptions in the protobuf code here?
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