
The Blaze ecosystem is a set of libraries that help users store, describe, query and process data.

Data Processing Systems

There are three components in a data processing system: Data, Expressions and Computational Engines.

  • Data can have different structure (tabular, nested or unstructured), live in different containers and formats (e.g. csv, parquet, avro, compressed), and contain different information about itself or also called metadata (e.g. column names, variable types).

  • Expressions are the syntax, API or language used to define a query or transformation to be computed on the data.

  • Computational Engines or Backends are the executors of those expressions on some data (e.g. database engine, Python libraries).

The following characteristics can define a particular Data Processing System:

  • Metadata that describes the structure and content of data in the system
  • Compression and access to data
  • Performance of the computational engine or backend
  • Expressiveness and simplicity of the language or API

The Blaze Ecosystem

The goal of the Blaze ecosystem is to simplify data processing for users by providing:

  • A common language to describe data that it's independent of the Data Processing System, called datashape.
  • A common interface to query data that it's independent of the Data Processing System, called blaze.
  • A common utility library to move data from one format or system to another, called odo.
  • Compressed column stores, called bcolz and castra.
  • A parallel computational engine, called dask.

Learn more

The project repositories can be found under the Github Blaze Organization. Feel free to reach out to the Blaze Developers through our mailing list, blaze-dev@continuum.io.